import { CopyableModal } from "../../../elements/CopyableModal"; import { Margin } from "../../../elements/Margin"; import { Option } from "../../../elements/Option"; import { Page } from "../../../types/Page"; import { SecretTitleElement } from "../../../elements/SecretTitleElement"; import { getTransitKey } from "../../../api/transit/getTransitKey"; import { makeElement } from "z-makeelement"; import { objectToMap } from "../../../utils"; import { setErrorText } from "../../../pageUtils"; import { transitRewrap } from "../../../api/transit/transitRewrap"; import i18next from "i18next"; type versionOption = { version: string; label: string }; export class TransitRewrapPage extends Page { constructor() { super(); } async goBack(): Promise<void> { await this.router.changePage("TRANSIT_VIEW_SECRET"); } transitRewrapForm: HTMLFormElement; async render(): Promise<void> { const transitKey = await getTransitKey(this.state.currentBaseMount, this.state.currentSecret); const stringVersions = Array.from( objectToMap(transitKey.keys).keys(), ).reverse() as unknown as string[]; const versions = number => parseInt(val, 10)); // get the selectable version options in the same // format the official UI uses. // e.g: ["2 (latest)", "1"] const options: versionOption[] = versionOption => { const i18nkey = val == Math.max(...versions) ? "transit_rewrap_latest_version_option_text" : "transit_rewrap_version_option_text"; return { version: String(val), label: i18next.t(i18nkey, { version_num: String(val) }), }; }); await this.router.setPageContent(""); this.transitRewrapForm = makeElement({ tag: "form", children: [ makeElement({ tag: "select", name: "version", class: ["uk-select", "uk-width-1-2"], children: HTMLElement => Option(option.label, option.version)), }), Margin( makeElement({ tag: "textarea", class: ["uk-textarea", "uk-width-1-2"], attributes: { placeholder: i18next.t("transit_rewrap_input_placeholder"), name: "ciphertext", }, }), ), makeElement({ tag: "p", id: "errorText", class: "uk-text-danger", }), makeElement({ tag: "button", class: ["uk-button", "uk-button-primary"], text: i18next.t("transit_rewrap_rewrap_btn"), attributes: { type: "submit", }, }), ], }) as HTMLFormElement; await this.router.setPageContent(this.transitRewrapForm); this.transitRewrapForm.addEventListener("submit", async (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); await this.transitRewrapFormHandler(); }); } async transitRewrapFormHandler(): Promise<void> { const formData = new FormData(this.transitRewrapForm); try { const res = await transitRewrap(this.state.currentBaseMount, this.state.currentSecret, { ciphertext: formData.get("ciphertext") as string, key_version: parseInt(formData.get("version") as string, 10), }); const modal = CopyableModal(i18next.t("transit_rewrap_result_modal_title"), res.ciphertext); this.router.pageContentElement.appendChild(modal);; } catch (e: unknown) { const error = e as Error; setErrorText(`API Error: ${error.message}`); } } async getPageTitle(): Promise<Element | string> { return await SecretTitleElement(this.router, i18next.t("transit_rewrap_suffix")); } get name(): string { return i18next.t("transit_rewrap_title"); } }