71 lines
2.3 KiB
71 lines
2.3 KiB
def lpad($len; $fill):
tostring | ($len - length) as $l | ($fill * $l)[:$l] + .;
# Severity Enum: https://github.com/nerdypepper/statix/blob/d324490e45bcda1b664f28b6f88da8580deda76b/lib/src/lib.rs#L21
# Warn/Error/Hint
def severity_or_unknown($severity):
(["Warn","Error","Hint"] | any(index($severity)))
else "Unknown" end;
def severity_or_unknown: severity_or_unknown(.);
# Emulating how the fancy stderr displays messages
# https://github.com/nerdypepper/statix/blob/d324490e45bcda1b664f28b6f88da8580deda76b/bin/src/traits.rs#L112
def severity_to_inital($severity):
{"Warn": "W", "Error": "E", "Hint": "I"} as $mapping |
// debug("severity '\($severity)' could not be be matched to an initial");
def severity_to_inital: severity_to_inital(.);
# Emulating how fancy stderr via ariadne & how errfmt displays
# https://github.com/nerdypepper/statix/blob/d324490e45bcda1b664f28b6f88da8580deda76b/bin/src/traits.rs#L62
def severity_to_name($severity):
"Warn": "Warning",
"Hint": "Advice",
} as $mapping | ($mapping).[$severity];
def severity_to_tag($severity; $code):
($code | lpad(2; "0")) as $code |
if $severity != "Unknown"
then "[\(severity_to_inital($severity))\($code)]"
else "[\($code)?]"
def print_diagnostic($filename; $report; $issue; $diagnostic):
$diagnostic.at.from as $from |
$from.line as $line |
$from.column as $column |
severity_or_unknown($issue.severity) as $severity |
severity_to_name($severity) as $severity_name |
severity_to_tag($severity; $issue.code) as $severity_tag |
"\($filename):\($line):\($column): \($severity_tag) \($severity_name): \($issue.note)";
def process_input:
. as $root |
.file as $filename |
.report as $report |
$report[] as $issue |
$issue.diagnostics[] as $diagnostic |
print_diagnostic($filename; $report; $issue; $diagnostic);
def process_inputs:
. as $inputs |
if length == 0 or (. == null) then halt else
[$inputs | .[] | process_input] | join("\n") | .+"\n" | halt_error(1)
def main:
[try input catch infinite] | .[0] | if isinfinite then halt else ., inputs | process_inputs end;
# isempty(.) or (. == null)
#then debug("x") else (. | process_input) end;