{ tree, config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = with tree; [ users.root users.chaos profiles.sshd profiles.kernels.latest presets.nixos.desktop presets.nixos.laptop presets.nixos.encrypted-usb ./secrets.nix ./profiles/wireguard.nix ./profiles/harry-vpn.nix ./profiles/misskey-dev.nix ]; home-manager.users.root = { imports = with tree; [ home.base ]; home.stateVersion = "22.05"; }; home-manager.users.chaos = { imports = with tree; [ home.base home.dev.all home.home-folders home.backup-apps home.programming.editors.vscode home.programming.languages.rust home.programming.languages.nix ]; home.stateVersion = "22.05"; }; networking.firewall.enable = true; networking.firewall.allowPing = true; nix.buildMachines = [{ hostName = "buildbox.servers.genderfucked.monster"; system = "x86_64-linux"; # if the builder supports building for multiple architectures, # replace the previous line by, e.g., # systems = ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"]; sshUser = "root"; sshKey = "/usb/ssh-keys/chaos.priv"; publicHostKey = "c3NoLWVkMjU1MTkgQUFBQUMzTnphQzFsWkRJMU5URTVBQUFBSUpXZGI5SVl3dFBSRm9rK2JTWUpmSnlRTlJSSithVEtIT3VOTkNLY2FMUHggcm9vdEBuaXhvcwo="; maxJobs = 16; speedFactor = 4; supportedFeatures = [ "nixos-test" "benchmark" "big-parallel" "kvm" ]; mandatoryFeatures = [ ]; }]; nix.distributedBuilds = true; # true; nix.extraOptions = "builders-use-substitutes = true"; #services.telegraf = { # enable = true; # extraConfig = { # inputs.mem = { }; # inputs.systemd_units = { pattern = ""; }; # outputs.websocket = { # url = "ws://"; # use_text_frames = true; # data_format = "json"; # }; # outputs.file = { # files = [ "/tmp/telegraf-output" ]; # data_format = "json"; # flush_interval = "1s"; # flush_jitter = "1s"; # metric_batch_size = 10; # }; # }; #}; #services.datadog-agent = { # enable = true; # apiKeyFile = "/tmp/key"; # site = "datadoghq.eu"; # checks = { # systemd = { # init_config = null; # instances = [{ unit_names = [ "postgresql.service" "none.service" ]; }]; # }; # }; #}; #systemd.services.datadog-agent.environment = { # ASSUME_NO_MOVING_GC_UNSAFE_RISK_IT_WITH = "go1.19"; #}; networking.hostName = "tablet"; time.timeZone = "Europe/London"; system.stateVersion = "22.05"; }