{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }: let inherit (lib.strings) concatStringsSep; inherit (lib.lists) forEach; inherit (lib.modules) mkMerge; ports = { mpd = 6600; mpd-opus-low = 4242; mpd-opus-medium = 4243; mpd-opus-high = 4244; mpd-flac = 4245; }; inherit (config.services.secrets) secrets; in { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ mpc_cli ]; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /Music - mpd mpd" ]; systemd.services.mpd = { serviceConfig = { ReadOnlyPaths = "/Music"; }; }; services.mpd = { enable = true; network.listenAddress = "any"; musicDirectory = "/Music"; dbFile = null; credentials = [ { passwordFile = "${secrets.mpd_control_password.path}"; permissions = ["read" "add" "control" "admin"]; } ]; extraConfig = '' bind_to_address "" bind_to_address "::" host_permissions " read,add,control,admin" metadata_to_use "title,artist" auto_update "yes" audio_buffer_size "4096" replaygain "track" audio_output_format "48000:24:2" resampler { plugin "soxr" quality "very high" threads "0" } database { plugin "simple" path "/var/lib/mpd/db" } '' + concatStringsSep "\n" (forEach ["low" "medium" "high"] (quality: let bitrates = { "low" = "64"; "medium" = "96"; "high" = "128"; }; bitrate = bitrates.${quality}; in '' audio_output { type "httpd" name "http (opus-${bitrate}k) /opus/${quality}" encoder "opus" port "${toString ports."mpd-opus-${quality}"}" bitrate "${bitrate}000" format "48000:24:2" always_on "yes" tags "yes" signal "music" } '')) + '' audio_output { type "httpd" name "http (flac) /flac" encoder "flac" port "${toString ports.mpd-flac}" format "48000:24:2" always_on "yes" tags "yes" } ''; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."mpd.owo.monster" = let extraConfig = '' auth_basic "Music Password"; auth_basic_user_file ${secrets.music_stream_passwd.path}; ''; in { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations = mkMerge [ { "/flac" = { proxyPass = "${toString ports.mpd-flac}"; inherit extraConfig; }; } (mkMerge (forEach ["low" "medium" "high"] (quality: { "/opus-${quality}" = { proxyPass = "${toString ports."mpd-opus-${quality}"}"; inherit extraConfig; }; }))) ]; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = with ports; [ mpd ]; }