{ tree, lib, inputs, pkgs, config, ... }: let hostIP = ""; containerIP = ""; # Using secrets from Host secrets = config.services.secrets.secrets; in { containers.matrix = { autoStart = true; privateNetwork = true; hostAddress = hostIP; localAddress = containerIP; bindMounts = { "${secrets.matrix_restic_password.path}" = { hostPath = "${secrets.matrix_restic_password.path}"; }; "${secrets.matrix_restic_env.path}" = { hostPath = "${secrets.matrix_restic_env.path}"; }; }; config = { config, pkgs, ... }: { _module.args = { inherit inputs; inherit tree; host_secrets = secrets; }; imports = with tree; [ profiles.base inputs.home-manager-unstable.nixosModules.home-manager profiles.sshd modules.nixos.secrets users.root ] ++ (with hosts.hetzner-vm.containers.matrix; [ profiles.matrix profiles.restic ]); # For Shared Secrets systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d ${config.services.secrets.secretsDir} - root root" ]; networking.firewall = { enable = true; allowedTCPPorts = [22 6167]; }; home-manager.users.root = { imports = with tree; [home.base home.dev.small]; home.packages = with pkgs; [vault]; home.stateVersion = "22.05"; }; # Manually configure nameserver. Using resolved inside the container seems to fail # currently environment.etc."resolv.conf".text = "nameserver"; system.stateVersion = "22.05"; }; }; services.nginx = { virtualHosts = { "matrix.owo.monster" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; listen = [ { addr = ""; port = 80; ssl = false; } { addr = ""; port = 443; ssl = true; } { addr = ""; port = 8448; ssl = true; } ]; extraConfig = '' merge_slashes off; ''; locations."/" = { root = pkgs.element-web; }; locations."=/config.matrix.owo.monster.json" = { alias = let config = { default_server_config = { "m.homeserver" = { "base_url" = "https://matrix.owo.monster"; }; "m.identity_server" = { "base_url" = "https://vector.im"; }; }; brand = "Element"; bug_report_endpoint_url = ""; default_country_code = "GB"; default_federate = true; default_theme = "dark"; disable_3pid_login = false; disable_custom_urls = false; disable_guests = false; disable_login_language_selector = false; jitsi.preferred_domain = ""; element_call = { brand = "Element Call"; participant_limit = 8; url = ""; }; enable_presence_by_hs_url = { "https://matrix-client.matrix.org" = false; "https://matrix.org" = false; }; features = {}; integrations_rest_url = "https://scalar.vector.im/api"; integrations_ui_url = "https://scalar.vector.im/"; integrations_widgets_urls = ["https://scalar.vector.im/_matrix/integrations/v1" "https://scalar.vector.im/api" "https://scalar-staging.vector.im/_matrix/integrations/v1" "https://scalar-staging.vector.im/api" "https://scalar-staging.riot.im/scalar/api"]; map_style_url = "https://api.maptiler.com/maps/streets/style.json?key=fU3vlMsMn4Jb6dnEIFsx"; room_directory = {servers = ["matrix.org"];}; setting_defaults = {breadcrumbs = true;}; show_labs_settings = false; uisi_autorageshake_app = "element-auto-uisi"; }; in pkgs.writeText "config.matrix.owo.monster.json" (builtins.toJSON config); extraConfig = '' default_type application/json; ''; }; locations."/_matrix/" = { proxyPass = "http://backend_conduit$request_uri"; proxyWebsockets = true; extraConfig = '' proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_buffering off; ''; }; locations."=/.well-known/matrix/server" = { alias = let config = { "m.server" = "matrix.owo.monster"; }; in pkgs.writeText "well-known-matrix-server" (builtins.toJSON config); extraConfig = '' default_type application/json; ''; }; locations."=/.well-known/matrix/client" = { alias = let config = { "m.homeserver" = { "base_url" = "https://matrix.owo.monster"; }; "m.identity_server" = { "base_url" = "https://vector.im"; }; }; in pkgs.writeText "well-known-matrix-client" (builtins.toJSON config); extraConfig = '' default_type application/json; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"; ''; }; }; }; upstreams = { "backend_conduit" = { servers = { "${containerIP}:${toString 6167}" = {}; }; }; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [80 443 8448]; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [80 443 8448]; }