const interface = @import("interface.zig"); const Interface = interface.Interface; const SelfType = interface.SelfType; const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual; const assert = std.debug.assert; test "Simple NonOwning interface" { const NonOwningTest = struct { fn run() !void { const Fooer = Interface(struct { foo: fn (*SelfType) usize, }, interface.Storage.NonOwning); const TestFooer = struct { const Self = @This(); state: usize, pub fn foo(self: *Self) usize { const tmp = self.state; self.state += 1; return tmp; } }; var f = TestFooer{ .state = 42 }; var fooer = try Fooer.init(.{&f}); defer fooer.deinit(); expectEqual(@as(usize, 42),"foo", .{})); expectEqual(@as(usize, 43),"foo", .{})); } }; try; comptime try; } test "Comptime only interface" { const TestIFace = Interface(struct { foo: fn (*SelfType, u8) u8, }, interface.Storage.Comptime); const TestType = struct { const Self = @This(); state: u8, pub fn foo(self: Self, a: u8) u8 { return self.state + a; } }; comptime var iface = try TestIFace.init(.{TestType{ .state = 0 }}); expectEqual(@as(u8, 42),"foo", .{42})); } test "Owning interface with optional function" { const OwningOptionalFuncTest = struct { fn run() !void { const TestOwningIface = Interface(struct { someFn: ?fn (*const SelfType, usize, usize) usize, otherFn: fn (*SelfType, usize) anyerror!void, }, interface.Storage.Owning); const TestStruct = struct { const Self = @This(); state: usize, pub fn someFn(self: Self, a: usize, b: usize) usize { return self.state * a + b; } // Note that our return type need only coerce to the virtual function's // return type. pub fn otherFn(self: *Self, new_state: usize) void { self.state = new_state; } }; var iface_instance = try TestOwningIface.init(.{ comptime TestStruct{ .state = 0 }, std.testing.allocator }); defer iface_instance.deinit(); try"otherFn", .{100}); expectEqual(@as(usize, 42),"someFn", .{ 0, 42 }).?); } }; try; } test "Interface with virtual async function implemented by an async function" { const AsyncIFace = Interface(struct { const async_call_stack_size = 1024; foo: fn (*SelfType) callconv(.Async) void, }, interface.Storage.NonOwning); const Impl = struct { const Self = @This(); state: usize, frame: anyframe = undefined, pub fn foo(self: *Self) void { suspend { self.frame = @frame(); } self.state += 1; suspend; self.state += 1; } }; var i = Impl{ .state = 0 }; var instance = try AsyncIFace.init(.{&i}); _ = async"foo", .{}); expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), i.state); resume i.frame; expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), i.state); resume i.frame; expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), i.state); } test "Interface with virtual async function implemented by a blocking function" { const AsyncIFace = Interface(struct { readBytes: fn (*SelfType, []u8) callconv(.Async) anyerror!void, }, interface.Storage.Inline(8)); const Impl = struct { const Self = @This(); pub fn readBytes(self: Self, outBuf: []u8) void { for (outBuf) |*c| { c.* = 3; } } }; var instance = try AsyncIFace.init(.{Impl{}}); var buf: [256]u8 = undefined; try await async"readBytes", .{buf[0..]}); expectEqual([_]u8{3} ** 256, buf); }